Applewood Plumbing & Heating

Interactive Jumbotron Game

In-game fan entertainment created from scratch.

We created a 3D hockey-themed puck shuffle game featuring the Applewood truck logo for use at Denver University's home hockey games. The game included three distinct end results to keep fans guessing, and incorporated ambient arena sounds, referee whistles, and goal horns to bring the composition to the next level.

Final Frames

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The 3D hockey arena resembled DU’s Magnus Arena with an Applewood sponsorship.

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Puck Shuffle

No better place for a puck shuffle game than at center ice.

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Three distinct outcomes were created to maintain fans' interest with every visit.

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  • Executive Producer: Eric Psihoules
  • Producer: Sophie Brown
  • Creative Director: Mike Sharps
  • Storyboards: Mike Sharps
  • Design & Animation: Preston Jessee
  • Sound Design: Dean White
  • Music: Licensed Music

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