Visual Lighting Technologies

Mainline SL21

An energetic promo that shows a set of products’ capabilities

Partnering with Delta Light Group of North America, we created a 30-second ad for VLT Mainline SL21 products.  These compact luminaires, equipped with an integrated driver, effortlessly snap together for continuous row installations. The spot is designed in VLT branded colors and features an energetic flythrough highlighting their seamless assembly and key features. It concludes with a title before looping back to the beginning.

Final Frames

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Product Renders

In addition to our animation deliverables, we supplied high-resolution images of the 3D products for their website and marketing needs, capturing various perspectives including front, back, right, left, top, bottom, and perspective views.

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  • Creative Director: Mike Sharps
  • 3D Animator: Beau Ryan
  • 2D Animator / Sound Design: Mike Sharps

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